Ogborne Construction/Demolition Waste Transfer Station Defeated!

DEP Denies Waste Permit Application for Proposed Transfer Station in The City of Chester.

Conshohocken (June 4, 1998) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Waste Management Program Manager Ronald C. Furlan today announced that DEP has denied the application submitted by Ogborne Waste Removal Inc, for a proposed construction and demolition (C&D) transfer station at 10-12 Reaney Street in Chester, PA Delaware County.

“Following the department’s initial technical review and a January Public Meeting with the community, DEP notified the company in February that its application was incomplete and inaccurate,” Furlan said. “Ogborne was given 90 days to provide DEP with the required information to continue our review of the application, but failed to do so.”

The June 2 DEP letter based the application denial on 10 issues, including inaccurate compliance history, failure to demonstrate compliance with requirements relating to proof of notice to contiguous landowners and an incomplete environmental assessment particularly with respect to traffic, air quality impact and environmental/social/economic benefits.

Other issues included failure to demonstrate that the proposed facility is located outside of an area where transfer facilities are prohibited and incomplete information regarding noise nuisance control.

Once again Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living has successfully organized, and empowered our community into action!! We are sending a strong message to any waste company that if they intend to come here we will present information on their compliance history, shading dealings, and the truth on how they will disrupt our community. We kicked his butt back to New Jersey where his children live. The people united shall NEVER be defeated!!!

Thanks to all who sent in those much needed letters of opposition, the phone calls, faxes, special thanks to EBIC, again, and all our well wishers.

Last modified: 10 June 1998



